For Safe Drinking Water

Your public water system purveyor is responsible for maintaining the quality of your water; from the water distribution source to each end flowing tap. As part of their efforts to ensure safe, clean drinking water for you and your loved ones, they have implemented a Cross-Connection Control Program in compliance with state codes.

Watch this brief video to find out why your water system is implementing a Cross-Connection Control Program.

Links & Downloads

Cross Connection Control – General Information

Cross Connection Control – Video Resources

Additional Resources


All documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You will need Acrobat Reader or an equivalent application to view these documents.

Note pertaining to links, brochures, downloads: Not all of these items may be applicable in your geographic area. Please check with your local plumbing inspector or authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) for rules and regulations applicable in your specific area.

5700 Crooks Road, Suite 100
Troy, MI 48098
(844) 493-7641