An Important Community-Wide Safety Project

The Greer CPW has hired HydroCorp to review and qualify Backflow Preventer Assembly Testing contractors and assign Backflow Preventer Assembly Testing work to certified, licensed, insured, and experienced contractor through a selection process. The testing fees will be paid for by the Greer CPW. The contractor will immediately process all test forms and paperwork directly. Water customers no longer need to hire a tester for this service. All repairs or replacement beyond the initial test of any backflow preventers will be the responsibility of the water customer.
HydroCorp will provide a notice containing the details of any necessary corrective actions if your Backflow Prevention Assembly requires repair or replacement. The testing will be coordinated through the program manager, HydroCorp. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Madeline at HydroCorp at 1-844-493-7660 Ext. 5152. Thank you for your support and cooperation on this important issue.